Dock buffers
Loading dock bumpers and buffers
Protect the building and docking equipment against direct contact with the trucks during docking and loading/unloading. Dock buffers, also called dock bumpers, reduce the wear and tear and damage to the building and docking equipment, and thus significantly reduce maintenance costs.
Docking process may be associated with very high load, exceeding 100 kN. The EBS dock buffers guarantee smooth transfer of that load onto the building structure and absorb impact protecting both the vehicle and the docking system. Our buffers allow to keep appropriate distance between the building and the vehicle, preventing potential damage to the building, docking equipment and docked vehicle.
All rubber elements of the EBS dock buffers are made of high-quality new rubber ensuring a long service life. The damping components of our buffers are available in two standard thicknesses: 90 and 140 mm. The buffers are welded to the dock wearing iron and the dock frame or anchored in the wall.
- The PGB floating dock buffers deliver the highest possible durability. They follow the vertical movements of the truck during loading and unloading 150 mm upwards and 150 mm downwards so that the buffers’ wear is almost reduced to zero.
- The PGFS rubber buffers with protective housing are recommended for higher-impact loads characterized by increased pressure force. The sloped protective plate prevents the buffers from being heavily damaged, while side flat steel guides optimally protect the fixing bolts of rubber buffers against shearing.
- The PGV height-adjustable buffers are used for loading and unloading of vehicles with truck beds higher than the dock level. The height-adjustable buffer can be lifted up to 250 mm above the dock edge by pressing a button and remains in that position until it is moved back to its resting position. During loading, the buffer adjusts to the truck’s vertical movements up to 50 mm upwards and 250 mm downwards – this floating makes buffers less exposed to mechanical damage and significantly increases their life. After docking the buffer can be easily pushed to the dock level by feet so that the truck tailgates can be opened.
- The PGS spring steel buffer provide optimum protection for heavy-duty loading and unloading. These buffers stand out for their excellent shock-absorbing characteristics, maximum resistance to abrasion and long service life. During cargo handling only the steel plate of the buffer remains in contact with the truck; this design eliminates normal wear of the surface of the buffer caused by the vehicle’s movements and helps to avoid costly buffer replacements. As an option, the PGS spring steel buffer can be mounted 200 mm above the dock level on a bracket.
- The PGF buffers are standard low-cost high-quality rubber buffers with a high resistance to wear and tear. Rubber parts are fixed to a steel plate or reinforced concrete.
- The PBGP rubber buffers without backing steel plate are simple, resistant, low-cost solutions coming in thicknesses 70 mm for low-impact loads, 90 mm for normal impact forces and 140 mm for extremely high-impact forces.
- The PZPS front protection plates for sites with high loading and unloading frequencies help protect rubber buffers against extreme damage. The front protection plates are hot-dip galvanized for increased durability.